Introduce yourself! My name is Monique and I am a 29 yr old Queens, NYC native. I am a visual artist and a digital content creator with a passion and obsession for animation.

How do you express yourself creatively?
My main outlets are writing about animation for my site, creating artwork and most recently launching an animation panel series and an animation podcast.
Describe an insecurity that you had while growing up. Has your perspective changed? If so, how did you overcome this insecurity?
My biggest insecurity was my cystic acne on my face and acne scars on my back. My perspective has changed with maturity. I've become extremely comfortable with my lingering hyper-pigmentation. I walk around and go outside without makeup. It took a LONG time to reach this place. Many dermatologists and medications. What allowed me to see the biggest change in my skin was learning that diary was causing my acne 2 years ago. Since I no longer have to fight breakouts as often or as bad I have begun to focus on the scaring and texture with the help of Black women and estheticians on youtube and twitter.

Define Beauty
To me beauty is feeling completely comfortable in yourself, regardless of what you do or do not do to accentuate your being.
How would you describe your skin-type?
I definitely have oily skin
How do you combat your personal skincare problems?
I learned adding oils as a moisturizer helps because now my skin doesn't need to make so much oil thus ultimately resulting in a less oily face if that makes sense? Before I was using products for oily skin which dried my face out so my face would go into hyperdrive making oil and I'd be shiny all day. Things have gotten so much better adding oil into my skincare routine.
What are some of your skincare beauty secrets?
Best one was eliminating / drastically reducing my dairy intake. My cystic acne breakouts have become very rare. Another is adding some kind of oil or moisturizing serums. Third is hydrating with facial masks.
2 do’s for skincare? Wash off all of your make up every day! Weekly clay masks2 don’ts for skincare? Easy on the tea tree oil and scrubs

What motivates you to practice self-care consistently?
I'm motivated by remembering the low moments and knowing that when I invest in myself by practicing self care I reduce the chances of being burnt out, overwhelmed and sad. I have big dreams and I need to be well in every aspect to arrive when I meet them.
Where can we find you?
Instagram @simplyrobotix
Twitter @simplyrobotix