Introduce yourself!
Hello! My name is Glendaly Corona. I'm a Puerto Rican/Mexican-American gal originally from New York City. I'm currently bringing a little Brooklyn Flare to Florida & have been the past 2 years. One of my biggest passions is spreading love & positivity - while inspiring and promoting the act of self-love. I was diagnosed with Andorgenic Alopecia when I was 18 years old. AA is a genetic hair loss disease that effects more woman than you may think. It was something that caused me to have extreme insecurities but one day, I found my way of beating the insecurities & decided to get rid of all of my hair. It was the best decision of my life because it was the first time I genuinely felt like I held my life in my palm and was in full control. I've shared my story on social media (Youtube & Instagram) and have had tons of positive feedback. In a world where I felt completely alone, I found a community of women who not only constantly reminds me of my courage, but also a community of women I've always dreamt of being a part of. I no longer feel alone since sharing my story and that has been my biggest blessing in being comfortable #inMySkin.

How do you express yourself creatively?
I am a huge lover of the arts overall! I love to both model & be a photographer, directing/video production, painting, writing, jewelry making, playing my uke - you name it. Creating is truly a part of my daily life.
Describe an insecurity that you had while growing up. Has your perspective changed? If so, how did you overcome this insecurity?
One insecurity I dealt with constantly - & would say recently over came - is my weight. I have always been on the 'heavier' side for my height (I'm 5' 2") and have had issues with loosing weight in a healthy manner in my past. I've learned to go about looking at my body as my temple and to treat it with love & care. I've been exercising more frequently and eating healthier foods. I've been listening to my body and have been giving it all of the attention it needs. I'm happy to say that the past few months have been my healthiest. I'm still learning how to listen to my body but it is one self-love tip I would truly recommend! Healthy Body = Happy Soul.

Define Beauty
Beauty is interior 110%. Beauty, to me, is a vibe or type of energy one releases. It's one filled with positivity, no judgment, pure love & empathy. Our society has defined beauty using our exterior looks as a selling tactic with advertising and false life expectations (ie. traditional mediums such as Magazines & in this age, Instagram Influencers promoting material things, looks, etc.). But beauty is something you feel upon meeting someone - the exterior simply shines because the beauty within is pure.
How would you describe your skin-type?
I totally have oily skin I've learned. Especially in my T-Zone area.

How do you combat your personal skincare problems?
I've been trying to discipline myself with doing my skin care routine every night. It's a resolution for 2019! I do, however, cleanse my face every morning & keep any face makeup (foundation, bb cream, etc.) off limits unless I am needing to film a video or model for a shoot. I love to keep my face fresh & clear most of the time to keep it breathing. I'm thankful that I rarely get breakouts!
What are some of your skincare beauty secrets?
Lots of water & get quality sleep!
2 do’s for skincare?
1. Facials/Face Masks to be done weekly. 2. Stay away from foundation on the daily. It's a cycle.
2 don’ts for skincare?
1. DON'T forget to moisturize after cleansing. 2. DON'T pick at your breakouts.

What motivates you to practice self-care consistently?
The mental & physical results I've been seeing what from practicing self-care. I tend to be happier and more loving to both myself & to those around me. That alone motivates me to keep searching and working on becoming my true, authentic self.
WUNDER BODY is cruelty free, and we love our pets. If you have a pet, tell us about them! - Pets can also be plants :)
My family and I have a 1.5YR Old Pitbull. She's the second daughter/toddler in my home! <3 :) I do have to talk about her cuddles because they are THE best! Ever.
What city/country do you represent?
I'm no longer in NYC but Brooklyn, NY, USA will always be my hometown.

Instagram: @gceec
Twitter: @gceestyle