Introduce yourself!
Hello! I am Jess, a long-time self-love advocate, blogger and career girl.

How do you express yourself creatively?
Definitely through my clothing and (recently) through the space in my newly-purchased home! I've taken lots of DIY projects around the house to turn it into my home.
Describe an insecurity that you had while growing up. Has your perspective changed? If so, how did you overcome this insecurity?
My weight, for sure. Growing up, there wasn't any "body positivity" movements. But the last 10 years has seen an explosion in the self love, body positive movement and it made me realize that I have to love ME and become the person I needed to see when I was a little girl. That helped me overcome my insecurity.
Define Beauty
It comes from the inside - and it's not easily defined. When you love yourself, or are even on that journey to love yourself. That's beauty.

How would you describe your skin-type?
Combination - oily T-zone, dry cheeks and hormonal acne on the chin.
How do you combat your personal skincare problems?
I have had to reconcile with the fact that I CANNOT just throw on water and coconut oil and go lol. So I am really big on my routine; I have a set routine day and night that I do that really helps my skin.
What are some of your skincare beauty secrets?
Cambrian clay and turmeric. Turmeric is a God-send and Cambrian clay draws out impurities.
2 do’s for skincare? Double cleanse when you wear make-up and use a heavier moisturizer at night #gotobedgreasy
2 don’ts for skincare? Don't touch your face (that's for me too!) and keep your moisturizer game up!

What motivates you to practice self-care consistently?
The way I feel when I take care of myself. I feel amazing. That feeling keeps me going.
What city/country do you represent?
San Antonio, TX (But I'm a Bay Area native)
Instagram: @aneutrallife