Introduce yourself!
Hello my name is Marlee Liz. I am 26 and I am a Dominican girl from The Bronx.

How do you express yourself creatively?
I have a huge passion for the arts. I love to take photos and draw/paint..
Describe an insecurity that you had while growing up. Has your perspective changed? If so, how did you overcome this insecurity?
I was very insecure about my weight. I use to be very skinny and was made fun of all the time for it. Most of the girls in school were fuller than me, so the boys would go after them more. The girls would make fun of me because I "looked like a twig" or I had " no a**". Not only was I being made fun of by girls but I was being made fun of by adults who were way older than me. They would say things like" oh man she needs to eat! she so skinny!" or "give that girl a sandwich!" Then there was a really bad point where a man told me in front of people " Marlee is anorexic". Then one day I came across a girl name Leah. She told me how beautiful I was and to never let people get to me. Leah was bullied by people for her small weight as well. She told me that "our body is a beautiful creation by God. Everyone is beautiful in different shapes. So Fu** what others think, you are strong and God has put you one this earth for a reason! So shine!" Since then I love the way I look. I embrace who I am.
Define Beauty: Beauty is when you love yourself! if you love yourself everything in your life is gold!
How would you describe your skin-type? My skin is oily
How do you combat your personal skincare problems? I use DIY facials. for example I'll make a coffee scrub for my whole body to keep it soft.
What are some of your skincare beauty secrets? Coconut oil is my holy grail. I use it at night when I sleep to help with my old acne marks.

2 do’s for skincare?Moisturize and drink water everyday!
2 don’ts for skincare? Stay away from unhealthy food and negative people
How do you practice self-care?
I love aroma therapy. It helps so much with bad energy.
Where can we find you?
Instagram @marleemarz