Introduce yourself! I am a young Dominican girl from the Bronx and I am just living my best life one day at a time.

How do you express yourself creatively?
I express myself through makeup mostly. I get to alter my mood based on the look that I want to try for the day or I pump myself up by playing around in makeup.
Describe an insecurity that you had while growing up. Has your perspective changed?
An insecurity I had while growing up was my curly hair. Being a young Dominican girl, curly hair was highly frowned upon within my community back in the day so I lived in the hair salon trying to straighten my hair using heat and relaxers. I did this for so many years and ended up really damaging my hair which made me feel even more insecure. I decided to go natural about 3-4 years ago and it has been a crazy ride because no one in my community was really doing it, or even knew how to, so I had to do it alone. My family and friends weren’t very supportive of it because back then, it was sort of taboo. This led me to start playing around with different oils and butters to create different hair products that would help my hair regain its curl pattern faster and avoid doing a big chop which terrified me. This helped me come up with a business venture called Pink Root Products which will be relaunching in 2019. Through my insecurity, I found strength and more creative outlets for myself which has really changed my life. It’s crazy to think just how life changing hair can be.
Define Beauty
Beauty to me is whatever you think makes you feel beautiful. I strongly believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If you are confident in how you look and how you feel about your beauty, then that’s all that really matters.

How would you describe your skin-type?
I would say that I have a semi-dry skin type. Winter is the worst for my face because it becomes very dull so moistuizing is very important for me.
How do you combat your personal skincare problems?
I exfoliate and moisturize a lot to keep any build up or dead skin off my face and to keep my skin soft.
What are some of your skincare beauty secrets?
Any type of mud mask! Works miracles to pull any dirty from under my skin and to make my face look refreshed and vibrant.
2 do’s for skincare? Exfoliating and moisturizing. It’s just the way to go.
2 don’ts for skincare? Don’t over do it with products of any kind. Moderation is key. And also, drink less alcohol. It really shows in your face the most in my opinion.

How do you practice self-care?
I practice self care by doing things I like. I go for long walks or sit in the park and just zen out. I also like to dedicate one day out of the week to wash my hair and to do any face masks. I turn on some music and just take care of myself.
Where can we find you?
Instagram @marielamada + @pinkrootproducts