Introduce yourself!
Hey! My name is Kiara Ailene Pace and I am a model, actress and co host of my Podcast "Kickback Convos."

How do you express yourself creatively?
My creativity is usually all over the place. I get inspired by a lot of random things so I try to write them all down and make sense of them and then express them in my art which is either modeling, acting or talking about it on my podcast.
Describe an insecurity that you had while growing up. Has your perspective changed? If so, how did you overcome this insecurity?
One of my biggest insecurities was my skin actually! I inherited my families dark circles around our eyes and in school people would call me raccoon or ask me if I was getting enough sleep. It was so embarrassing and I hid behind my glasses for years. I have not completely overcame it but my perspective of myself has changed. I wear my dark circles with confidence now and not shame.

Define Beauty
Beauty is you. That is the only way to describe it. Once you start to love yourself and live your life positively, your beauty starts to radiate. It glows from your eyes, skin, smile, body language. Everything about you becomes beautiful.
How would you describe your skin-type?
I do not have sensitive skin but I do get oily in my T zones and winters in NYC can bring out some serious dry patches.
How do you combat your personal skincare problems?I keep my skin hydrated at all times. Moisturizers, serums, mists, anything that is natural and keeps my skin from being dry.
What are some of your skincare beauty secrets?I get a few acne scars so I use Apple cider vinegar as a toner everyday and it helps fade my scarring. If you have sensitive skin make sure you dilute it! Also I drink LOTS of water!

2 do’s for skincare?
Less is more! Instead of spending money on fancy creams and cleansers etc, I stick with natural products. Also SPF ! Its so important ! Use it everyday !
2 don’ts for skincare?Exfoliates are great but be careful! Especially with micro beads, they scar your face and that harms more than helps. Also sugar will break you out. Cut down on your sugar intake.
What motivates you to practice self-care consistently?
My motivation is the feeling I get when I take care of myself. I feel rejuvenated, I feel awake, I feel happier. I can tell when I need self care because my energy starts to decline.
WUNDER BODY is cruelty free, and we love our pets. If you have a pet, tell us about them! - Pets can also be plants :)Ah I love this! I have a year old kitty named Pepper! She is all black with some white spots and she's feisty! She demands attention when she needs it and will completely cut you off when she needs to be alone. I love it.
What city/country do you represent? Tampa, Florida
Website (launching January 2019)
Instagram @Kiara_Ailene