Introduce yourself!
Hey! I'm Denisse and I'm a 28 year old Afro-Latina from New Jersey.

How do you express yourself creatively?
I'm a photographer by trade and I love writing. I use those two mediums to allow flow for my creative juices.

Describe an insecurity that you had while growing up. Has your perspective changed?
One of the insecurities that I had growing up was not being enough intellectually and physically. I was always attracted to the older crowd and so of course I spent most of my time trying to catch up. If that meant reading more or doing more just so I can appear to be at their level, it meant doing that. I missed a lot of my childhood and young adult life trying to appease people that were lightyears beyond, so when I would meet people my age I would bring that same "trying too hard energy" to the relationship. Physically, I was always "thick" and in my culture, specifically Caribbean parents, feel very entitled to making comments about your body. There isn't much more to say about that other than it made me very self conscious. As I got older, I learned to be myself. The people who are here for that will be, the people who are not, well those just aren't my people. Physically, I worked very hard to be at a place where I'm happy with myself. I've lost 175 lbs and I'm working on me.
Define Beauty
Beauty for me is self acceptance and confidence. It's knowing who you are and being happy with that.

How would you describe your skin-type? I have very rebellious combination skin.
How do you combat your personal skincare problems?
I try and hydrate. Most of my problems are from dehydration.
What are some of your skincare beauty secrets?
WATER. WATER. WATER. Organic products and more water. (I'm bad at water though, but I promise it works).
2 do’s for skincare?
1. Take your makeup off the second you are done with having it on. That doesn't mean end of day. That could mean by lunch time.
2. Give your skin a break. Don't put on 432 different products expecting immediate results. Be gentle.
2 don’ts for skincare?
1. Don't put anything in your body that you know will have an awful consequence. We can indulge every once in a while, but usually if you're eating chips and fried foods every day, it'll reflect on your skin.
2. Don't believe the hype. Use what works for you.
How do you practice self-care?I love a good cup of tea, a great podcast and a face mask along with a hair mask. Pampering myself is the ultimate form of self-care for me.

What city/country do you represent? New Jersey for just three more weeks. Phoenix moving forward.
Where can we find you?
Instagram + Twitter @chasingdenisse