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#inMySkin - Cassandra Nunez

Writer: Wunder BodyWunder Body

Introduce yourself!

Hola! My name is Cassandra Nunez and I am a singer/songwriter from NYC.

How do you express yourself creatively? Music. Whether I am happy or going through tough times I always catch myself in the mist of singing or grabbing a pen and writing down the floods of emotions.

Describe an insecurity that you had while growing up. Has your perspective changed? If so, how did you overcome this insecurity?

I used to get so nervous speaking Spanish in front of people! Oh man, I would twist and forget words… I was a mess! I’m Latina and grew up in a very Spanish household so at home I was fluent but all my friends spoke English and so that what was the norm. There was a lack of confidence, I think from being a little different, that caused me to feel self-conscious about my 2nd language. I knew there was a deeper issue with myself and I hated the feeling of being so nervous. It wasn’t until the end of my high school years that I was like “OK girl, we’ve got a problem here!” I just started to force myself to speak it more, I watched more telenovelas (those things work!) I would ask my Abuela what certain things meant and really began to understand the grammar. Ironically my songs are now in Spanish, LOL! But through that process I began to fall in love with who I AM. A Latina girl, not just that but an American Latina girl. Pero don’t get me wrong, I still forget words or twist the grammar. What’s different now is how I’ve embraced both sides of who I am. It has taught me that we’re human, bound to make mistakes and not know it all but If you can forgive and love yourself and not take things too seriously you’ll actually see how much further you get.

Define Beauty

I think Beauty is how you felt in that moment. Whether it be a person or a thing but if it brought you a beautiful feeling then I would consider that Beauty. The way a person made you feel, that’s a special kind of beauty to me. It’s not tangible it’s spiritual. A rose to me resembles beauty. I use it a lot in my art. The way it blooms and at its peak gives off a delicate aroma then decades, reminds me of life and love and to live in the moment. It’s a beautiful process. Self-love is beauty also.

How would you describe your skin-type? My skin as taken a new turn the past few years. In my late teens I had very acne prone skin, I would now say it’s sensitive/oily.

How do you combat your personal skincare problems?I’ve learned to be very gentle with my skin. I started seeing an esthetician (Sandra Velandia) that changed my skin completely. She taught me that with acne prone skin the best way to combat it is to be soothing and aware of what you eat. I’m conscious of what I put on my skin, making sure everything is oil, paraben and alcohol free. I also try to have a facial every 4 months, wear no make-up as much as possible and use Vitamin C serums for my post acne scarring.

What are some of your skincare beauty secrets? Sweating it out! I noticed when I sweat my skin looks glowing and amazing the next day. I either hit the gym and do some cardio or sit in the sauna for a half hour to release the toxins. Another secret I do when I can’t make it to the gym is drink a big bottle of room temp lemon water.

2 do’s for skincare? 1. Hydrate! Having oily skin, I thought the opposite but in reality we all need moisture and I realized a little extra hydration never hurt anyone! I like to get my extra hydration with sheet masks. I noticed that for my sensitive skin, Rose petal sheet mask works so well. I wake up next morning glowing with extra plump skin. Si, mas por favor! 2. Sleep! I have a hectic schedule jumping from show to rehearsals to studio.. it gets hard but one thing I do not mess with is my sleep. 8 hours on normal day and on an off day I try to get 10, my skin wakes up singing to Beyonce ;)

2 don’ts for skincare?

1. Watch what you eat. I noticed a big calmness in my skin when I took out dairy, increased my water intake, drank peppermint teas and limited my sugar cravings. (I have a huge sweet tooth so this was not a “piece of cake” queue the joke drum roll) 2. Don’t use harsh chemicals daily. Read labels and make sure that on a daily basis you are taking actions to always calm or soothe the skin. (i.e hydrate, soft exfoliations, vinegar based toners*) But these are things that work for me through trial and error.

What motivates you to practice self-care consistently?

That feeling of having your batteries recharged is what motivates me. The gym is so important for me because its therapeutic. I feel stronger and less tense after I had a good sweat and right after I love to come home, light a candle put on a face mask and make a good cup of tea. I really feel like an “ahh” moment after all that. I have at least 2 of those nights a week. So important to do the small little things that make you feel complete again. I feel that when I have those moments I am more determined to take on my day the next morning.

WUNDER BODY is cruelty free, and we love our pets. If you have a pet, tell us about them! - Pets can also be plants :) I want a puppy sooo bad but I am barely home so I had to settle for my plants! I have about 5 plants, Sofie is the oldest, she’s 3 years old, my OG – the realist - I grew my green thumb with her, she gave me hope. <3.

What city/country do you represent?

NYC/ Dominican Republic

Where can we find you?



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