Introduce yourself!
My name is Bridgett Gordon-Billingsley.

How do you express yourself creatively?
As a Taurus, I love and appreciate beauty in my surroundings. I express my creativity through my style of clothing and craft projects. I particularly enjoy the creative process of packaging design and soap making.

Describe an insecurity that you had while growing up. Has your perspective changed? If so, how did you overcome this insecurity?
I would have to say that my most significant form of insecurity has come from just feeling different. Always feeling like I moved to the beat of a different drum from everybody else around me. I have learned how to take what makes me a little different, a little odd and perhaps a little weird and live a creative life.
Define Beauty
Beauty is something that captures your attention. You know it when you see it. It is totally unique to every individual.
How would you describe your skin-type?
As a Lupus warrior, my skin has definitely changed. In my former life, I never had a skin problem. When systemic lupus became active, my skin became a bit of a challenge. I would describe my skin as photo-sensitive, dry and maturing.
How do you combat your personal skincare problems?
I believe in minimalism. I use a simple silk or apple foaming facial wash which contains all of the ingredients necessary to restore my skin. Since, Lupus causes inflammation, I am mindful of using ingredients that are anti-inflammatory and have a calming or soothing effect. I also am a firm believer of using baobab protein and collagen to care for my skin.

What are some of your skincare beauty secrets?
Prep your skin for the next day. Exfoliate every 10 days for older or maturing skin.
2 do’s for skincare?
1) Jade rollers should be use to maximize any night serums used. Treat each skin area as needed.
2) Non-facial skin should be treated with a nice yogurt or goats milk and hemp bath with just a bit of rosemary essential oils.
2 don’ts for skincare?
1) Don't use skincare products just because it's trending. It may not be right for your specific skin type.
2) Don't be afraid to branch out and use Indie Beauty Brand products. Indies are heating up the beauty space and are creating quality products.
What motivates you to practice self-care consistently?
Living with Lupus has altered the course of my life. I have been forced to slow down and pay attention to my own personal biofeedback.
What city/country do you represent?
St. Louis, Missouri
Where can we find you?
Instagram: @stlbeautygram