Introduce yourself!
My name is Ashley. I'm a 28 year old Black woman from D.C. I'm an artist, educator, and music lover.

How do you express yourself creatively?
I create art. I draw, print, paint. It's fun and necessary for me to do. It's my way of empowering myself and other women, especially Black women. I also love singing. It's the quickest way I can put myself in a good mood. If you ever need a karaoke buddy, holla!

Describe an insecurity that you had while growing up. Has your perspective changed? If so, how did you overcome this insecurity?
I was a big black girl in a predominantly white school and I developed early. So during the school year, I felt enormous and sometimes invisible compared to the other girls. And during the summer, when I spent time with mostly other Black kids, I was too visible because I was already developing so boys objectified me. It was weird growing up in those two spaces and it made for an uncomfortable relationship with my body and trying to gain control of how others perceive me. I'm still overcoming insecurities about my body. But I've learned that I LOVE moving and working out. I love feeling strong. Folks assume it's to lose weight but lifting empowers me. I've also learned to accept that my body is literally changing every hour of every day. It's not going to look the same 3 weeks from now or even 3 hours from now. And the sooner you accept it and accept all your body can do, the happier you'll be with yourself.

Define Beauty
Beauty is self-confidence and self acceptance and awareness. Beauty is how you feel, not what you're wearing or what you look like. I feel most beautiful when I feel confident in who I am.
How do you combat your personal skincare problems?
I grew up with acne and it's genetic so it's something I'm always dealing with. I've learned the importance of being consistent with my skin care regimen regardless of how many products I use. Just be consistent.
What are some of your skincare beauty secrets?
Sweet almond oil and witch hazel toner. I learned about oil cleansing a few years ago and although I only did it briefly, I really loved using almond oil. My skin is more even and, although I still break out sometimes, my skin is clearer.
2 do’s for skincare? Moisturize + Drink water
2 don’ts for skincare? Don't fall asleep in makeup. Don't pick at your acne. Just don't touch it.
How do you practice self-care?
I check in with my emotions and my body. So that sometimes looks like taking a nap, working out, drinking water, eating more or less of something. If I'm feeling emotionally off, I write, practice mindfulness activities, or talk to some friends. And of course I draw.
Where can we find you?
Instagram + Twitter @ashleyjanaeart